Apple: self-driving electro future

Apple: self-driving electro future

Diperbarui • 2021-04-01

News and charts

As of April 1, these would be one of the top results if you google-searched “apple stock”.


At the same time, this is the view that Apple’s daily chart would offer on the April Fools’ Day.


Do these two images contradict or agree with each other? Let's discover what actually happened.


Most observers consider Apple stock a neutral trade option. That means buy and sell options are seen as relatively equal. At least, that has been the case until the very last days of March when one of the UBS analysts raised Apple stock’s rating to ‘buy’ and moved the price target for it from the previous 115 up to 142.  

The reason for that is Apple’s initiative to – supposedly – produce self-driving electrocars in the future. Business-wise, this perspective opens huge market potentials for Apple and for its profits correspondingly – as long as this initiative manifests itself. So far, it’s merely a speculation but the more Apple reveals its plans – the more we’ll whether self-driving EVs is going to be one of its fields of activity. If there are indications that it’s going to proceed in this direction, investors will surely start factoring in future profits into the stock price and move it higher.


Apple’s sales increased in 2020 despite the pandemic. In the last quarter of 2020 it posted an all-time high revenue result. That’s important to understand how good the company is doing  - fundamentally, there is nothing impeding it to continue further expansion. Therefore, the last all-time high of $145 per share should be a “formality” to get crossed – when investors turn to FAANG stocks again.

Keep in mind

On April 28, Apple announces its quarterly results for the Q1’2021. There’s going to be a lot of movement closer to the date!  

Last thing

You can trade Apple in FBS Trader! The difference with MT5? Easy on-the-go trade from your device. 


Don't know how to trade it? 

  1. First of all, be sure you’ve downloaded Metatrader 5 or FBS Trader app. FBS allows you to trade stocks only through this software.
  2. Open the MT5 account in your personal area (in account in FBS Trader)
  3. Start trading!

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