USD/TRY vs inflation

USD/TRY vs inflation

2021-04-30 • Atualizado

What's happening

Recently, a new Turkish Central Bank Governor was appointed: Sahap Kavcioglu. He will start his duties as the Turkish lira is almost as cheap as ever - only recently, USD/TRY ceded from the once-again-reached all-time highs of 8.5. 

The inflation is very high in Turkey - it was %16.2 in March. That'll be the main focus of the newly appointed governor's speech today. He will advise how the Turkish Central Bank will manage inflation with the interest rate, and that'll shed light on the possible future of USD/TRY.

Essentially, one of the core factors of the instability in the monetary policy in Turkey is that its President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes that higher interest rates lead to more inflation than before - that goes against the traditional view that hawkish moves limit inflationary dynamics in the economy.

How to use that

Scenario 1

Sahap Kavcioglu goes hawkish; also, his plan makes economic sense in the eyes of international observers; the Turkish Central Bank is expected to gain credibility and the Turkish lira starts rising in value again: USD/TRY will go down so you sell

Scenario 2

Sahap Kavcioglu fails to share a formidable plan to fight off inflation and continues with the dovish line preferred by the Turkish President; USD/TRY is likely to go up as the lira will lose value: in this scenario, the all-time high resistance of 8.50 may be broken os you buy USD/TRY.


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